Spend 2 days with Noah Taylor learning small scale non-ferrous metal construction skills to make a copper and crystal chest.

You will learn how to cut and silver solder copper sheet to make the chest and how to shape legs from copper square rod and attach them. Your piece can be finished with a patina and a crystal set upon the lid. A little treasure chest for you or as a gift to someone special.

This course will give you some valuable skills and insights into working with non-ferrous metals (e.g copper, brass, gilding metal etc.) which can lead you to further creative projects and explorations. 

Please bring a packed lunch with you (there is a microwave on site). Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.

10:00am-5:00pm each day with half an hour for lunch. 

Course can run with 1 or 2 persons.

Fee is £300 per person for the two days.

  • Materials are included.

  • PPE (safety specs etc.) is provided.

For further information and to book please email Noah at noahtaylor56@gmail.com.

Copper and Crystal Chest - 2 day course

Metalwork with Noah Taylor

Spend two days with Noah Taylor learning small scale metal construction skills to make an embossed copper chest. You will learn how to make deeply embossed patterns into pieces of copper sheet and then assemble them using silver solder to make the chest and then, how to forge legs from solid copper square rod and attach them. Your piece can be finished with a patina to highlight your embossed design. A little treasure chest for you or as a gift to someone special.

This course will give you some valuable insights and skills into working with non-ferrous metals (e.g copper, brass, gilding metal etc.) which can lead you to further creative projects and explorations.

Please bring a packed lunch with you (there is a microwave on site). Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.

10:00am-5:00pm each day with half an hour for lunch. 

Course can run with 1 or 2 persons.

Fee is £300 per person for the two days.

  • Materials are included.

  • PPE (safety specs etc.) is provided.

For further information and to book please email Noah at noahtaylor56@gmail.com.

Embossed Chest Course

Welded Metal Sculpture with Found Objects

Spend two days with Noah Taylor working on a mid scale metal sculpture of your design working with a combination of found metal objects and new steel. You will be learning metalworking processes such as welding and blacksmithing. No previous experience of metal work is required.

Noah is a PGCE qualified teacher and has many years of experience teaching students at Art University Plymouth (formerly PCA) as well as at Flameworks and is used to working with all ages and abilities. Processes and tools will be thoroughly explained and de-mystified. Very quickly you will be empowered and enabled to realise your vision.

 Processes and techniques we will be covering include:

  • MIG Welding. Arc Welding.

  • Oxy Propane Gas Torch and Blacksmith’s Forge for brazing, hot bending and metal manipulation.

  • Working with Angle Grinders, Power File, Drills etc. as required.

  • Guidance on getting the final finish (rust effect, lacquers, oils and waxes, paints etc.) that you want and are suitable for your pieces whether indoor or outdoor.

You will be working in a well-equipped workshop environment, with all necessary Health & Safety protective equipment supplied. 


Found and/or Repurposed Objects can act as a primary inspiration for the imagination and are a really great way to get into sculpture. Some of the great sculptors of modern times, Picasso, Miro, David Smith and many others have produced fabulous work using found objects. 

You are encouraged to bring objects with you if you can and want to, though there will be a selection available on site. Suitable objects can include old garden or workshop tools, scrap or broken metal parts etc. If it looks interesting already and /or if it has meaning for you then all the better.

Fee: £320.00 per person for 2 days. Course times: To be announced or upon request, arrangement with Noah 

Minimum of 2 persons for the course to run. Maximum of 4 persons (so plenty of individual attention as and when needed). Couples, friends and family groups welcome.   If you have a specific date in mind, please email Noah to arrange this at noahtaylor56@gmail.com. Otherwise course dates are as shown on the Flameworks website.


Jewellery - Peter Reeves


Pottery - Angie Wickenden