Resident Artists
Flameworks is home to a group of uniquely talented artists working across a variety of disciplines.
Click on any artist to find out more or for contact details.
Alice Wood - Handmade Bags and Accessories

Amy Whittingham - Glass

Angie Wickenden - Ceramics

Archie Thompson - Blacksmith

Belinda Read - Ceramics

Bernardo Lopez - Surfboards

Camilla Rose - Signwriter

Christina Peters - Ceramics
Emma Charlotte Bullivant

Glenn Carter - Stained Glass Artist

James Lucas - Blacksmith & Leather work

Jo Westwood - Ceramics

Karen Pawley - Painter

Kevin Jenkins - Ceramics

Luke Axworthy - Blacksmith

Noah Taylor - Blacksmith & Sculptor

Paul Ager - Blacksmith & Metalsmith
Peter Reeves - Jeweller

Stevie Thompson - Blacksmith & Metalsmith

Tobias Davies - Glass Artist