Wonderful start to 2024

We hope you are having a fantastic start to 2024!

Thanks to your overwhelming support and the generosity of our incredible community, we are thrilled to announce that not only did we meet our initial target, but we have exceeded it! Your commitment to help 'Rain Proof the Roof' has been truly heart warming, and we are beyond grateful for each and every one of you who contributed to make this project a reality.

The funds raised will not only cover the essential repairs to our roof but also allow us to address additional areas that needed attention. Your support has made a lasting impact on the sustainability and longevity of Flameworks, ensuring that it remains a welcoming haven for all who visit.

Now, it's time for the next steps. If you've pledged on a reward from our campaign, please make arrangements to collect them from Flameworks on Mondays between 9 to 5 ( except afternoon of 15th January) or Wednesdays between 9 to 1. For any queries or to organize your collection at another time, kindly reach out to us via email at hello@flameworks.org. Your patience and understanding during this process are greatly appreciated as we work to ensure a smooth collection of rewards.

For those who pledged on T-shirts, some of these are going to be printed over the next few weeks, we will keep you updated on our progress. If you are expecting rewards to be posted, we'll be dispatching them (when they are ready) over the next few weeks. We want to ensure that each item reaches you in perfect condition, so we appreciate your understanding as we take the necessary steps to make that happen.

Once again, thank you for standing by us, supporting our vision, and helping us make a positive change within our community. Together, we will have not only repaired a roof but strengthened the bonds that make our community so special.

Big Love,

The Flameworks Team


Spoonfest#2: A Celebration of Creativity & Craftsmanship


Help Us Rain Proof The Roof