Prehistoric Pottery Workshop with Angie Wickenden

Saturday 8th February 2025, 10:30-16:30.

Maximum 10 places.

The day will be spent learning about the clays, construction, decoration and firing of prehistoric pottery.  We will use examples from Plymouth and Exeter museums as models e.g. Neolithic, round bottomed pots and bowls, Bronze Age funerary urns and beakers and  Iron Age storage jars, in general and in particular we will focus on the Hurston Ridge collared urn. 

In the morning we will practice coiling and pinching of small pots and in the afternoon we will begin to make a  joint large pot based on the Hurston Ridge collared urn, thus exploring cord impressed decoration.  

We can either fire the pots in my kiln or we can book a session at a Forest School in East Devon to fire our pots in an open hearth. 

Tea, coffee cake and biscuits will be provided but please bring a packed lunch. Please wear old clothes and bring an old shirt as PPE. There is plenty of free parking on Richmond Walk. 

For more information and to book into this course please email Angie.

Flameworks Creative Arts Facility, 7 Richmond Walk, PL14LL